Semiology Glossary

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Zoosemiosis is a whole spectrum of sign processes, that is taking place in the animal kingdom. Sometimes the term Zoosemiosis is used in a broad manner, which includes anthroposemiosis. Other times, in a narrower sense, excluding that way sign processes and forms,...


Zoosemiotics is a branch of semiotics, focused on Zoosemiosis. The term Zoosemiotics was coined by Thomas Sebeok in 1963. The term was defined as follows: A discipline that is a part of semiology, the main focus of which is ethology, and the scientific study of the...


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Induction is probabilistic inference. In an inductive argument (syllogism), the premise or proof leads to a conclusion more likely, while the deductive argument presuppositions come to the fore, presenting the conclusion as true by necessity. Charles Peirce emphasizes...

Infelicitous, Infelicity

Infelicitous, Infelicity is a term used by John L. Austin to denote the way in which a sentence other than a constative one (a sentence that makes sense to ask whether it is true or false) is inappropriate, undirected, or absurd. If I say that Thomas Jefferson was the...


Inference is the process by which a statement is derived from one or more statements; the form in accordance with which such a process arises. If you know that A is older than B and in turn, B is older than C, you can conclude that A is older than C. The process of...


Inquiry is a process undertaken to discover the truth; conversation, an exchange undertaken for its own purposes, refusing to acknowledge any with "non-conversational tensions." Peirce defines Inquiry as broadly as any project in which doubt is overcome and a state of...


Intentionality is a term used to denote the fact that consciousness in all its manifestations is always described as consciousness or awareness of something. This sign of the essence of consciousness is emphasized by all phenomenologists.

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