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Feeling guilty refers to experiencing remorse, self-reproach, or a sense of responsibility for a perceived wrongdoing or violation of moral or ethical standards. It involves a feeling of regret and the belief that you have done something wrong or failed to meet your own or others’ expectations.

When you feel guilty, you may experience emotions such as shame, self-blame, or a sense of moral conflict. It often arises from a belief that you have caused harm, hurt someone, or acted in a way that goes against your values or principles.

  • Ashamed – Feeling ashamed refers to experiencing a strong sense of humiliation, guilt, or embarrassment in response to a perceived failure, mistake, or a violation of social norms or personal values. It involves a deep-seated feeling of disgrace or unworthiness, often accompanied by a desire to hide or withdraw from others.When you feel ashamed, you may experience emotions such as embarrassment, self-disgust, or a diminished sense of self-worth. It often arises from a belief that you have fallen short of your own or others’ expectations, resulting in a negative evaluation of yourself.
  • Remorseful – Feeling remorseful refers to experiencing deep regret or sorrow for a past action, behavior, or decision that you believe was wrong, hurtful, or had negative consequences. It involves a genuine acknowledgment of your responsibility and a desire to make amends or learn from your mistakes.When you feel remorseful, you may experience emotions such as guilt, sadness, or a sense of moral responsibility. It often arises from a genuine understanding of the impact of your actions on others or yourself.


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