An advertorial is an advertising form, that is using a magazine as a channel (transporter) of the message. In an advertorial, the message is masked as an informative article that pretends to share an objective position. Still, the goal is to present the product or...
Communication Glossary
Advertising is a form of marketing communication. It is used to promote and influence the purchasing behavior of the audience towards which the message is directed. Advertising is a form of communication. The channel - the means through which the message is sent - is...
Ad hominem
Ad hominem is a form of rhetoric attack, directed at the person's character instead of their arguments. The goal of an ad hominem attack is to stigmatize the utterer and therefore to make any of their claims, statements, predicaments, and arguments untenable, not...
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Focus Group
Focus Group is a term that refers to a group of people that consists of six to twelve people. The people in the focus group ought to share similar characteristics. The group is brought together in a facilitated discussion in order to gather information or opinions...
Flipping is the act of using a TV remote to change between channels, during a program or progammes.
Field Observation
Field Observation refers to a qualitative research method in which people are observed in their natural settings and information on their interaction and different types of behavior displayed are noted down or recorded for further analysis.
Feedback is a term that refers to the number or the quality of the response the receiver gets from the message or a query sent.
Feature Article
Feature Article is the main article or news content for the day/week or another period of time. The feature article appears on the front page of the newspaper. It is often called a cover story.
Free Course in Semiology
A completely and truly free course on Semiology (Semiotics). Learn about the meaning of signs, how and why did the field emerged. What is the relationship between the street signs and the signs that we use every day - words.