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Endorsement is a term from advertising. It refers to an individual, most often a celebrity, who backs or attaches their name to a product or service. Unfortunately, to endorse a product is not necessary to be an expert in the industry or the product itself.
Embargo is a term that referes to a specific time period when news organizations cannot air, nor publish news information that they have obtained. This news embargo is often set from companies that are giving their products to the media, so they'll create news about...
An editorial is a piece of content that was written by experienced editorial staff. In an editorial, the staff is expressing their views on a current or trending event. Editorials are usually placed in newspapers or magazines. Yet, nowadays, they do exist on websites...
An editor is a person that reviews and refines an article or another type of content and approves it for publishing.
E-Content is the delivery of any subject content to the end-user by means of electronic equipment or devices with the help of multimedia tools.
A completely and truly free course on Semiology (Semiotics). Learn about the meaning of signs, how and why did the field emerged. What is the relationship between the street signs and the signs that we use every day - words.