Communication Glossary

Social Marketing

Social Marketing (not to be mistaken with social media marketing) is the usage of marketing principles and concepts with the goal to bring about a positive change in beliefs and attitudes for the greater good of society.


Semiotics is the science of signs and symbols. The focus is understanding the processes through which meaning is assigned to a sign and how that meaning is being communicated. Related: Semiotics


Sampling is a statistical process in which a smaller subset of people from an entire population is selected to form a sample. The chosen people should share characteristics that are representative of the overall population. Yet, the sampling could be used to...


A questionnaire is a tool that is being used in a survey type of research. Questionnaires consist of a set of different questions that, when answered, are providing data that can be analyzed which helps to meet the objectives of the research.


In interviews probes refer to strategies or ways in which the person being interviewed is encouraged to open up and answer a question that they have previously avoided answering. For example, they could be alternative questions that call for a direct answer.

Probability Sampling

Probability Sampling is a type of sampling in which every member of a population has an equal chance or opportunity of being chosen. Related: Non-Probability Sampling  


In research, the term population refers to all the people that are sharing particular characteristics that a researcher wishes to study.

Nonverbal Communication

Nonverbal communication is a type of communication in which the messages are being sent through gestures, mimics, words (not spoken), and other nonverbal means. Related: Nonverbal communication

News Letter

News Letter (Newsletter) is (traditionally) an internal document, published regularly by a company. The document is giving information to the employees of the company that has details about the external factors that affect the company.


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Totalitarian Theory

The totalitarian theory is a theory that insisted on the need for the media to be completely controlled by the ruling party. That would have suppressed the expression of any different, pluralistic ideas, beliefs, or positions which from the position of the ruling...


A scheduling technique where two programmes that are relatively new or have lower ratings are telecast with a highly popular programme between them. This is done in order to increase the audience for the relatively less popular programmes.


A survey refers to a research methodology, used to gather and analyze data from large samples via the use of detailed interviews or questionnaires.


Stacking is a type of scheduling technique where similar programs are being broadcasted as a group one after the other. The goal is to ensure that the audiences will continue watching the same channel.

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A completely and truly free course on Semiology (Semiotics). Learn about the meaning of signs, how and why did the field emerged. What is the relationship between the street signs and the signs that we use every day - words.


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