Geisteswissenschaften is the German word that stands for Humanities. The goal of this German word is to distinguish between the Humanities and Natural Science. Usually, we are differentiating the Humanities as a branch of science that is striving to understand...
The existence of this more and more important issue of the difference between Gender and Sex is one of the most obvious proofs that Language is what defines our reality. The existence of the two terms is not only controversial but what is more, they do not exist in...
Gestalt is a psychological term. It stands for an organized whole that is perceived as more than the sum of its parts. Gestalt is a German word that translates to "shape," "form," or "configuration" in English. In a broader sense, it refers to a concept, structure, or...
Glotto-, Glutto-
Word-forming element meaning "language," from Attic Greek glōtto-, from glōtta, variant of glōssa "tongue; language". It is broadly considered to mean language but in a narrower sense, it stands for speech.
Glottocentrism is a word derived from the greek glōtto (Glotto-) and is an approach to semiotics that assumes that language and more specifically - speech is the key element of all sign systems. Often a similar approach to semiotics not only makes language the focus...
The origin or the evolution of a system of phonetic signs. Nowadays it is generally considered that Glottogenesis has begun around 50 000 ago. See: Semiogenesis
Grammar is a system of rules, governing the formation and combination of the main units in a semiotic system.
Grammatology is a term introduced by Jacques Derrida to denote his general theory of writing. Although, using the word theory is inappropriate in this context Derrida himself is using it. He does it, as one of his main goals is to demonstrate that theory or science of...
Ground is a term proposed by Charles Sanders Peirce to define the meaning or meanings that something created to function as a sign vehicle has. Not all of the characteristics of a sign vehicle are essential to its function. For example, a STOP road sign would bear the...
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Linguistics is the scientific study of language. It encompasses the analysis of every aspect of language, as well as the methods for studying and modeling them. The traditional areas of linguistic analysis include phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics,...
A term used by Charles S. Peirce to denote a discipline of philosophy. The term is also used to denote an important movement in modern philosophy, identified with such thinkers as Edmund Husserl, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, and Roman Ingarden. It could be said that this...
Feminism is an ideology, that, like other ideologies uses reductionism to explain complex issues like, for example, the one that the feminists most commonly cite - the rights to equal pay. Like most ideologies, the feministic too has its roots in somewhat reasonable...
Rationalism in a very general sense means devotion to reason; in a narrower sense, it refers to the doctrine that reason itself has the ability to know reality. In a general sense, then, the rationalist is a defender and advocate of reason. Rationalism is often used...
Intertextuality is a term introduced by Julia Kristeva and widely accepted by literary theorists to denote the complex way in which a text relates to other texts. Just as there is no sign separate from other signs, there is no text separate from other texts. In...
Free Course in Semiology
A completely and truly free course on Semiology (Semiotics). Learn about the meaning of signs, how and why did the field emerged. What is the relationship between the street signs and the signs that we use every day - words.