It is rather obvious how religion and philosophy are two distinct domains of thought to seek answers and justifications about human existence and the universe. Religion solely depends upon a belief system and divine revelation while philosophy is more humane and based...
Philosophy and science
The analysis of great philosophical works reveals that their scientific attempt is also significant. In fact, philosophy is the predecessor of modern science. Until the medieval ages, the separation between philosophy and science was not this clear as is. However,...
Greek philosophy
The cradle in which the roots of Western philosophy grew is undoubtedly ancient Greece. The expeditious growth of Greek civilization and culture in the 6th century BCE was nothing short of a period of profound expansion for the human race. While the time is dated back...
Thales of Miletus
Thales of Miletus, generally called the first philosopher and renowned as one of the legendary Seven Wise Men, or Sophoi, of antiquity, is remembered primarily for his cosmology based on water as the essence of all matter, with Earth a flat disk floating on a vast...
Anaximander and Anaximenes
Thales continued his legacy by passing on his ideals to his pupils by founding the Milesian school of philosophy – the first formal institute where philosophy could be taught. This wasn’t his only contribution, at this school he and his students indulged in...
Infinite regress
Similar to how Anaximander presented a series of questions to Thales’ theory that remained unanswered, most philosophical debates never lead to a certain conclusion. The reason behind this is that once they ask ‘What supports this?’, it leads to an incessant chain of...
Heraclitus: everything is in flux
Heraclitus, like Thales, was a solitary thinker known for his theory of the ‘unity of opposites. Though he was primarily concerned with explanations of the world around he also advocated for concepts like social harmony. Most of his works (which failed to survive to...
Pythagoras: a universe ruled by numbers
Pythagoras was born in 570 BCE, in Ionia, Greece. He was the one of his kind Greek philosopher, mathematician, and founder of the Pythagorean brotherhood, a religious movement he initiated in Italy. He established the principles which later inspired the thoughts of...
Xenophanes – evidence and true belief
Another distinguished Ionian philosopher, Xenophanes, was the first one to produce evidence-based philosophical arguments. He traveled through many Greek colonies and studied the works of philosophers before him. Soon he crafted his own theory of cosmic composition...
Parmenides: monism
In the 5th century, the center of philosophy moved to Italy. Parmenides, a Greek philosopher of Elea in southern Italy was the one who founded Eleaticism – the leading pre-Socratic school of Greek thought. His general teaching has been preserved and revised from a...
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The stark contrast between faith and rationality – religion and philosophy – convention and curiosity – is Logic. Although it is often confused with reasoning, logic is the study of correct reasoning, especially as it involves the drawing of inferences. This is the...
Moral philosophy and ethics
Ethics or perhaps moral philosophy is the discipline concerned with what is morally good and bad and morally right and wrong. It wasn’t long after that philosophers realized the need to understand human nature along with the universe. How should we live? Shall we aim...
Political philosophy
A practical branch of philosophy that is concerned, at the most abstract level, with the concepts and arguments that revolve around the political opinion. The meaning of the term political is itself a matter of inquisition in political philosophy. Broadly, however,...
What is art? What is beauty? How do we perceive it?. The philosophy of aesthetics aims to answer these questions and is closely related to the philosophy of art which is concerned with the nature of art and the generalities in terms of which individual works of art...
Eastern and Western philosophies
A subject as rich as philosophy can not possibly be limited to or defined through a single tradition or culture. Although most ideologies dominant in philosophy originated from ancient Greece or other western traditions, eastern philosophies also hold an entity of...
Free Course in Semiology
A completely and truly free course on Semiology (Semiotics). Learn about the meaning of signs, how and why did the field emerged. What is the relationship between the street signs and the signs that we use every day - words.