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To be is to be perceived

George Berkeley proposed an extreme version of atomistic philosophy and counter-arguments Locke’s theory to an extreme of ‘immaterialism’ that rejected the existence of matter, arguing that the only thing that exists is ideas or the perceptions of those ideas. For him...

Hume and causality

David Hume was an English philosopher who lived during the 18th century. He believed that all ideas come from sense impressions. He also thought that every idea had its own reality, that we could never know if two ideas were exactly alike or not since empirical...

Hume’s fork

For Leibniz, the truth of an analytic statement depends on its meaning, but for Hume, the truth of a synthetic statement does not depend on any external conditions or circumstances. Hume built on the works of Leibniz and distinguished between analytic statements...

The problem of induction

In the 18th Century, David Hume made an observation about causality and induction. We can't say with absolute certainty that there is cause and effect, so we must try to figure out what we think caused the event, and then apply that to future events. If we're wrong,...

Common sense

Several empiricists, including Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, David Hume, and others, thought that common sense was a fundamental tool for making philosophical judgments, which they considered could never be justified logically. The appeal of British empiricism lies in...

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