Frege’s work went almost completely unnoticed outside a small circle and was ignored by many philosophers until it was rediscovered by Bertrand Russell. After studying both philosophy and mathematics at university, he came to the conclusion that mathematical reasoning could be reduced to logical reasoning. He and his colleague Alfred N. Whitehead then attempted to show this in the massive three-volume Principia Mathematicae. Following this, he focused his attention fully on philosophy, unsurprisingly concentrating on Logic. Like Frege, Russell realized the implications of breakthroughs made in logic and mathematics for Philosophy. They showed that logic is an objective system of universal truth, and Russell believed that this meant that we should be able to objectively discover the nature of reality.
How do we really define Philosophy? The Greek word φιλοσοφία – Philosophia. Or as the term has been coined by modern Western language – Philosophy. The literal meaning of this word is relatively static. Derived from its Greek origin it comprises two separate words...