Communication Glossary

Communication Competence

Communication competence is an extensive ability to engage in communication acts. The higher the communication competence of an individual, the more accurate, clarity, and understanding of the context the individual projects. One of the key indicators of high or at...


The process of sharing and exchanging information, based on any form of mutually understandable language in the broadest sense, we call communication. More on: Communication What is Language?


Commotainment is a term, that refers to a television format. It is a combination of dramatization and testimony. Normally it is used to promote a product or service. For example, a home shopping TV channel could demonstrate the benefits of various products. A call to...


A commercial is a term that refers to an advertisement slot that appears from 15 to 30 seconds in TV channels, Radio stations. The objective of a commercial is to capture the audience's attention within the duration of the spot.


A column is a place in newspapers and magazines (traditionally), and in some websites nowadays, that they give to writers to share their opinion. The writers that are writing in the columns are called columnists.


Clutter is a term that refers to the sometimes excessive number of advertising or non-programming content that people are exposed to while watching television.


A celebrity is an individual who is famous because of their achievements in a specific field. Celebrities are widely recognized by the general public. Actors, sportsmen, singers, writers, but also some entrepreneurs and scientists could be considered celebrities.


Catharsis is a term that refers to the release of pent-up or suppressed emotions through indirect ways. Although it is more of a psychological term, it often disrupts the communication manner, pattern, or abilities of those who are going (or went) through catharsis.


A caption is a space that ought to be filled with a brief explanation of an image or video or poster. The caption is usually located below the media file.


A campaign is a unifying term, referring to all the activities and/or events organized to reach the targeted audience. Campaigns could use one or multiple media like TV, Radio, Internet.


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