One of the six factors that make up any speech event or communication process. The addressee is the being to whom the message is addressed or transmitted; The addresser is the agent or mechanism that sends or transmits the message. If I shout to warn you of a danger,...
One of the six factors in any communication exchange; in particular, the agent or mechanism that sends or transmits the message. Corresponding to this factor is one important function, namely the expressive or emotional function. When the communicative process focuses...
Three realities or degrees of the theory, moving respectively from one minimum requirement for reporting (observing) adequacy to the ultimate goal of explanatory adequacy through the mediation of descriptive adequacy. This three-threshold difference can best be...
Latin word meaning equivalence, equality, or conformity. Unification is a process in which one thing is done to be the same as another. In medieval thought, the truth was defined in terms of adequatio. According to Thomas Aquinas, truth is adequatio rei et...
Ad Hoc
A Latin term meaning "for this", used as a definition to describe something (such as a committee or hypothesis), specifically intended to solve a particular problem, result, or desire. If an administrator at a university organizes a committee tasked with approving...
Ad Hominem
A Latin expression commonly used as an abbreviation of argumentum ad hominem. One of the meanings is an argument that applies specifically to a person (for example, "If you maintain or assume this, you cannot consistently defend another position"), by which a person...
A French term, that means helper. The term was used by A.J. Greimas to denote something that originally had an actant role attributed but was later classified as an auxilliant of the same significance.
Aesthetic Function of Language
А function of language, related to the aspect of communication known as message; it is also called a poetic function. In each communication process, one addresser transmits a message to one addressee; this process occurs in the context of the code and a form of...
In a broad sense - a branch of philosophy, whose subject is the beauty of art and nature. According to its current use, this definition of aesthetics is, on the one hand, broad, on the other - I claim narrow. It is too broad, as the object of aesthetics today is...
Possession of status or ability inherent in an agent (actor) - a person, mechanism, or any other object through which a process begins and probably continues or through which some force is exercised and some change is achieved. We usually think of agents as...
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Intersemiotic is what happens between two different sign systems. By comparison, intrasemiotics occur within the same sign system.
Signum ad placitum
Signum ad placitum is Latin for conventional signs. Related: Signum
Syntagmatic vs. Paradigmatic
For more information on the opposition syntagmatic vs. paradigmatic, please check associative, and axis. Related: Syntagm
The process of understanding and interpreting a message. Related: Interpretant Interpreter
Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) is easily one of the most influential people of the XX century. Although lots of his ideas have been denied in the years after his death, as being pseudo-scientific, Freud has surely shaped the way, we people think of ourselves. One of his...
Free Course in Semiology
A completely and truly free course on Semiology (Semiotics). Learn about the meaning of signs, how and why did the field emerged. What is the relationship between the street signs and the signs that we use every day - words.