German word for Enlightenment.
Applying to the ear or hearing. Spoken words are aural signifiers. They function as signifiers, thanks to the fact that they could be heard. Compared to them, the words on this page are visual signifiers - they function as signifiers, thanks to the fact that they are...
Author’s Intention
It is usually used to show that the meaning of the text is limited to what the author intends. William Wimsat Jr. and Munrow Birdzley in The Conscious Mistake, a manifesto of so-called new criticism, reduce the researcher's criticique to this view. Later, E.D. Hirsch...
A common prefix in English (coming from Greek), meaning self- (for example, autodidact are those who teach themselves, self-taught). Opposite heter- or hetero- (different) is also a common English prefix (a heterosexual is a person who is attracted to representatives...
Autocriticism, Autocritique
It means self-criticism. Related: Heterocriticism Self-criticism, according to Julia Kristeva and other contemporary semiotics, is a hallmark of semiotic research. At every stage of its production, such research is not encouraged (according to Kristeva) to think...
Self-genesis or self-origin. Autogenesis is a process by which something grows on its own and is not produced by an external agent or force.
On the one hand, terms mean freedom. In another, more specific sense - the uniqueness of the literary work, or, in a more general sense - the uniqueness of the semiotic system - its ability to relate to itself. Roman Jakobson and others use the term to denote the...
From Greek auto- and telos, meaning self- and goal or end. A process or practice that has no function or purpose other than itself. If you and I talk only for the purpose of having a conversation, refusing to subordinate this pleasure to any external purpose, our...
A term used by A.J. Greimas, for denoting a unit of narrative analysis by simplifying the original list of six actants (subject, object, sender, recipient, helper, and opponent). Recently, Greimas has classified a helper and an opponent as auxiliants (i.e., helpers).
The study of values. The adjective axiological could mean that which is permanent in the study of values, or, more generally, the values themselves.
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