In the context of Semiotics habit is defined as a predisposition to act in a specific manner in specific circumstances, especially when the agent is prompted or guided by specific motives. According to Charles Sanders Peirce, the meaning of the signs could be...
Haecceitas, Hecceity
Haecceity is a Latin neologism, formed as an abstract noun, derived from the demonstrative pronoun "haec(ce)" meaning "this(very)" or "these(very)". The neologism is formed based on the word haecceitas, which translates as "thisness". It is used to denote something...
Hermeneutic, Hermeneutics
The term Hermeneutic comes from Hermes, a Greek god that has ministered as a messenger of the other gods and was a hero. Often the term is used in a broad sense to denote art or a theory of interpretation of the sacred inscriptions. There is a certain tradition of...
Hermeneutics of Suspicion
Hermeneutics of Suspicion is an expression proposed by Paul Ricœur to denote a specific approach towards the interpretation of the text or discourse in which the main problem is for one to reveal what is not being said, and not so much for what is being said to be...
Although the world hetero is nowadays predominantly related to one's sexuality due to the immense presence of sex and gender in the public discourse, in fact, means different. Therefore, hetero criticism is a term that denotes the criticism directed at someone who is...
Charles Sanders Peirce describes his categories as having heuristic functions, by which he means that they are tools or means of researching any subject. Heuristic, therefore, stands for subsidiary means in learning, discovery, or research.
Hic et Nunc
Hic et Nunc is a phrase of Latin descent that stands for "here and now". For Duns Scotus and later for Charles Peirce, the here and now for the objects is their objectification or their individualization (the fact that the object is this one and not that one is...
Homo Loquens
Homo Loquens, like Homo Sapiens, is one of the many ways that we, humans, call ourselves. While Homo Sapiens is a widespread term, that means wise man, the Homo Loquens is a term that is arguably far less recognized among society. The term, again from Latin, stands...
The term humanism is often used in an extremely broad sense to denote the acceptance of the values of the dignity of human beings. In a narrower sense, humanity stands for cultural and intellectual movement, that has started in the Rennaisance (possibly even earlier),...
Hypostatic Abstraction
Hypostatic Abstraction is a specific form of abstraction, identified and pointed out by Charles Peirce. He distinguishes between two types of abstraction - hypostatic and precisive abstraction. The precisive abstraction was to Peirce something very similar to what we...
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Linguistics is the scientific study of language. It encompasses the analysis of every aspect of language, as well as the methods for studying and modeling them. The traditional areas of linguistic analysis include phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics,...
A term used by Charles S. Peirce to denote a discipline of philosophy. The term is also used to denote an important movement in modern philosophy, identified with such thinkers as Edmund Husserl, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, and Roman Ingarden. It could be said that this...
Feminism is an ideology, that, like other ideologies uses reductionism to explain complex issues like, for example, the one that the feminists most commonly cite - the rights to equal pay. Like most ideologies, the feministic too has its roots in somewhat reasonable...
Rationalism in a very general sense means devotion to reason; in a narrower sense, it refers to the doctrine that reason itself has the ability to know reality. In a general sense, then, the rationalist is a defender and advocate of reason. Rationalism is often used...
Intertextuality is a term introduced by Julia Kristeva and widely accepted by literary theorists to denote the complex way in which a text relates to other texts. Just as there is no sign separate from other signs, there is no text separate from other texts. In...
Free Course in Semiology
A completely and truly free course on Semiology (Semiotics). Learn about the meaning of signs, how and why did the field emerged. What is the relationship between the street signs and the signs that we use every day - words.