A distinction made by Louis Hjelmslev, corresponds, at least roughly, to Saussure's distinction between signifier and signified. At the heart of each sign is (according to Hjelmslev) a correlation between a plan of expression and a plan of content. These are two...
Semiology Glossary
The circumstances or situation in which the message was transmitted and received. Context is one of the six most important factors in any communication process. The other factors are the addresser, the addressee, the contact (channel), the code, and the message...
Contextualism is an emphasis on the importance and indivisibility of observing the sign process in the light of the context or contexts in which the process takes place. Of course, the context can be constructed in a broader or narrower way. For example, the immediate...
Continuity, Continuum
Continuity is the state or sign of something to be continuous or continuous; Continuum is a continuous sequence or continuous development. Charles S. Peirce emphasizes the need to treat individual phenomena as if they were points on the same continuum. Related:...
From the Latin convenire - together; convention means established practice or use. It often happens that the words are conventionally and relatively used interchangeably. However, we should make greater efforts to use these words (and in fact all others). Among the...
Conventional Signs
Signs based on convention and different from natural signs. A little girl watches the rapidly darkening sky and accepts that it is a sign of an approaching storm. As the girl looks around in horror for her dog, she hears her aunt calling her name. Storm clouds are...
Conversation Analysis(CA)
Conversation analysis is an empirical, inductive study, usually undertaken by sociolinguists and social psychologists, on current conversations, mostly by recording a tape recorder and audio and video media. The analysis of the conversation should not be confused with...
Today, the metaphor of conversation, introduced under the influence of Richard Rorty, has gained importance and even centrality that it did not have before. According to Rorty, philosophers must stop seeing philosophy as a form of inquiry (a process of semiosis aimed...
Conversational Rules
In an influential essay entitled "Logic and Conversation," Paul Grice argues that every conversation should be guided by certain rules that relate to a common principle. This principle brings together the participants in the conversation to do the following: "Make...
Cooperative Principle
To learn more about the term Cooperative principle, please see conversational rules.
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The art of building with a preliminary plan is not just to create shelter, but to convey meaning. Very rarely do purely human activities or artifacts serve one purpose or perform one function, they are usually multifunctional. Clothes, cars, houses, and cities -...
A series of messages in which one or more preconditions are presented as evidence for or in confirmation of another message (conclusion); any thought process whose tendency is to produce belief. In Charles Sanders Peirce's theory of signs, the argument is defined as a...
A term used by Charles S. Peirce to denote a formal or explicit argument. "Argument is any thought process aimed at producing a certain belief. Argumentation is an argument that develops on clearly formulated premises" (CP 6.456). In short, argumentation is the...
From Latin articulus, meaning joint or divided. In the most general sense - any process of division or segmentation; in linguistics, articulation usually means double articulation, a feature often attributed to being unique to human speech. Ferdinand de Saussure held...
The act of pointing out a proposition as if it were true, i.e., as if it is consistent with belief. Insisting that a proposition contains an answer to an inference if it is false is a kind of statement. Charles Sanders Peirce goes further by suggesting that assertion...
Free Course in Semiology
A completely and truly free course on Semiology (Semiotics). Learn about the meaning of signs, how and why did the field emerged. What is the relationship between the street signs and the signs that we use every day - words.