Erklärung is a German word. Its direct meaning is "explanation". Often used as different from Verstehen (understanding). In many cases, it is assumed that natural phenomena (eg solar eclipses) require explanation, while cultural artifacts (texts, buildings, legal...
Semiology Glossary
Ethics of Terminology
Ethics of Terminology is a series of rules or guidelines for creating and using a term, especially technical terms in scientific disciplines or in disciplines that seek to transform into science. To facilitate the transformation of philosophy into science, Charles...
Exegesis is an explanation or interpretation of the text. The process by which texts are explained or interpreted is a central issue for thinkers of the hermeneutic tradition. For example, for Friedrich Schleiermacher (1768 - 1834), Wilhelm Dilthey (1833 - 1911), Hans...
Experience is a term often used to denote what happens inside a person or organism. This term was reformulated by Charles Peirce and other American pragmatists to denote what happens between the Self and the world. In its first sense, the term "subjective experience"...
Expression vs. Content
Expression vs. Content is a series of terms used by linguist Louis Hjelmslev to rename what Ferdinand de Saussure calls signifier and signified. For Saussure, the sign is a two-sided unit, one of the sides he calls signifier, the other - signified. Hjelmslev further...
Communication function when the process is directed to the addresser or sender of the message.
The word fallacy means a mistaken belief, especially one based on unsound arguments. Generally stands for a wrong point of view or wrong expression.
Fallibilism is a doctrine according to which each and every one of people's allegations for reality is misleading, wrong, or susceptible to error. Although it may look very similar at first, Fallibilism shouldn't be mistaken for Scepticism (especially in its extremes...
Family Resemblance
The family resemblance is an idea of Ludwig Wittgenstein which shows that a word's abstraction could be explained without assuming that there is a separate entity characteristic of everything that could be properly denoted by that word. In one of his books -...
In his book Fashion System Roland Barthes, the author makes fashion a subject of a systematic study. Similar to how our buildings are made to be more than a shelter (architecture), our clothes are a lot more than pieces of fabric used to cover our bodies (see...
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Bricolage is a term coined by Claude Lévi-Strauss (p. 1908) to denote the way in which the so-called savage or primitive mind orients itself in the world, especially to natural objects and events, on the one hand, and to social beings. and their relationship, on the...
Bricoleur fr. the thinking, the able. The anthropologist, and structuralist Claude Lévi-Strauss built his significant and influential concept of bricolage from the characteristic manner in which the artist works. This manner includes, above all, a superficial...
CA is an abbreviation for Conversation Analysis. Empirical, inductive research. See: Conversation Analysis
Works recognized as authoritative or exemplary. Today there is an important controversy over the creation, maintenance, and revision of canons.
Cartesian, Cartesianism
From Cartesius, the Latin form of Descartes, referring to the philosophy of the early, modern French thinker René Descartes (1596 - 1650), whose works represent a conscious rebellion against medieval thought. Cartesianism is often used in a broader sense to denote the...
Free Course in Semiology
A completely and truly free course on Semiology (Semiotics). Learn about the meaning of signs, how and why did the field emerged. What is the relationship between the street signs and the signs that we use every day - words.