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Semiology Glossary
Form of Life(Lebensform)
Ludwig Wittgenstein and his followers are using the expression Lebensform to define the totality of the institutions, practices, and discourses in which the language games (also an important concept for Wittgenstein) have meaning. Language games in the auction bidding...
A task or a role, action or a way of action in which the task or the role is executed. Also, the relation between two variables. Roman Jakobson discerns six possible functions of people's communication: When the communication is oriented (directed) towards the...
Geisteswissenschaften is the German word that stands for Humanities. The goal of this German word is to distinguish between the Humanities and Natural Science. Usually, we are differentiating the Humanities as a branch of science that is striving to understand...
The existence of this more and more important issue of the difference between Gender and Sex is one of the most obvious proofs that Language is what defines our reality. The existence of the two terms is not only controversial but what is more, they do not exist in...
Gestalt is a psychological term. It stands for an organized whole that is perceived as more than the sum of its parts. Gestalt is a German word that translates to "shape," "form," or "configuration" in English. In a broader sense, it refers to a concept, structure, or...
Glotto-, Glutto-
Word-forming element meaning "language," from Attic Greek glōtto-, from glōtta, variant of glōssa "tongue; language". It is broadly considered to mean language but in a narrower sense, it stands for speech.
Glottocentrism is a word derived from the greek glōtto (Glotto-) and is an approach to semiotics that assumes that language and more specifically - speech is the key element of all sign systems. Often a similar approach to semiotics not only makes language the focus...
The origin or the evolution of a system of phonetic signs. Nowadays it is generally considered that Glottogenesis has begun around 50 000 ago. See: Semiogenesis
Grammar is a system of rules, governing the formation and combination of the main units in a semiotic system.
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Categoreal (categorical) Scheme
A network of categories according to which data is organized and interpreted. One way to understand reason is to perceive it as a mass of formless, inert matter on which objects and events are imprinted. Another way is to see it as an internally structured, dynamic...
The most universal concepts or ideas, the ultimate genera (the set of species), more freely - the general ideas through which one understands aspects of reality or some princes of experience. In the history of Western philosophy, Plato, Aristotle, Kant, Hegel, and...
Peircean Categories
Firstness (the thing in itself), Secondness (resisting), and thirdness (inter-; intermittent); In other words - qualitative immediacy, brutal confrontation, and dynamic mediation. Peirce's categories are designed to draw attention to what he believes are always...
A term from psychoanalysis, meaning an exciting or stressful force in the soul, as opposed to anticathexis (prohibitive, verifying force). According to Sigmund Freud, the psychoanalytic approach to our mental life is focused on the complex relationships of cathexis...
A term sometimes used as a synonym for contact. In every communication process, there must be a channel or contact - some physical or actual connection between the addresser and the addressee (sender and recipient) of the message. An example of this is the wire...
Free Course in Semiology
A completely and truly free course on Semiology (Semiotics). Learn about the meaning of signs, how and why did the field emerged. What is the relationship between the street signs and the signs that we use every day - words.