Language is a term often used by semioticians as well as by other scholars in a very broad sense to denote any system of signs. It is also often used in a narrower sense to denote a system of verbal signs, as verbal here includes spoken/auditory and written signs. A...
Semiology Glossary
Language Game
An expression introduced into philosophy by Ludwig Wittgenstein and intended to serve many purposes, above all two, to emphasize two important features of human language: the conventional and contextual nature of our linguistic practices the variety of tasks that can...
Language vs. Speech(Discourse)
To learn more about the opposition Language vs. Speech(Discourse), please visit: Language vs. Parole
Langue vs. Parole
Langue vs. Parole - these are French terms, usually translated as language and speech (discourse). In The Course in General Linguistics, Ferdinand de Saussure separates Langue from parole. Saussure deals with the reorientation of linguistics (the study of language)...
Latent vs. Manifest Content
Latent Content vs. Manifest Content Latent content is the hidden content or meaning of a message or other character configuration (such as a dream); Manifest Content is called superficial meaning. Someone might dream that he is being chased by lions, tigers, or bears....
Lebenswelt is a German word for the living world; the world of everyday experience. Lebenswelt is a matrix from which all actions and reflections emerge and a context in which all our inclusions and theorizing are finally situated. In such a context, life should not...
Legisign is a term adopted by Charles S. Peirce to denote a particular type of sign or sign function, namely one in which a rule or law of the general serves as a sign vehicle. The word is an example of Legisign. Throughout his life, Charles S. Peirce tried to...
Lexical, Lexicon
Lexical, Lexicon Lexical - belonging to or located in a dictionary. Lexicon - The lexical meaning of the word is that which is in the dictionary.
Linearity is a term used by Ferdinand de Saussure to denote two main characteristics of the signifier - it is part of a chain or sequence, where the presence of one signifier requires its replacement by the previous one. Saussure formulated arbitrariness and linearity...
Linguistic Turn
Linguistic Turn is one of the most important directions in Anglo-American philosophy of the twentieth century when language became both an object of study and a major means of resolving philosophical disputes, or at least some or at least some of them. Professional...
Latest posts:
Content vs. Expression
A distinction made by Louis Hjelmslev, corresponds, at least roughly, to Saussure's distinction between signifier and signified. At the heart of each sign is (according to Hjelmslev) a correlation between a plan of expression and a plan of content. These are two...
The circumstances or situation in which the message was transmitted and received. Context is one of the six most important factors in any communication process. The other factors are the addresser, the addressee, the contact (channel), the code, and the message...
Contextualism is an emphasis on the importance and indivisibility of observing the sign process in the light of the context or contexts in which the process takes place. Of course, the context can be constructed in a broader or narrower way. For example, the immediate...
Continuity, Continuum
Continuity is the state or sign of something to be continuous or continuous; Continuum is a continuous sequence or continuous development. Charles S. Peirce emphasizes the need to treat individual phenomena as if they were points on the same continuum. Related:...
From the Latin convenire - together; convention means established practice or use. It often happens that the words are conventionally and relatively used interchangeably. However, we should make greater efforts to use these words (and in fact all others). Among the...
Free Course in Semiology
A completely and truly free course on Semiology (Semiotics). Learn about the meaning of signs, how and why did the field emerged. What is the relationship between the street signs and the signs that we use every day - words.