Problematique is a French word used to identify something that creates a problem or generates a difficulty or, more likely, a spectrum of difficulties; more or less related series of problems specific to a particular field of study (for example, the determination of...
Semiology Glossary
Proper is a term often used deliberately in a dual sense. Related: Ambiguity The dual nature of the term Proper suggests on the one hand the so-called by feminists "father's law". That is the tensions and prohibitions that often come from the male side, but are...
Proposition is what is expressed or conveyed in the message, in contrast to the assertion and the way or mediator of the expression.
Propositional Attitude
Propositional Attitude is the attitude or reaction one takes towards a proposition. Such an attitude could be, for example, approval or doubt.
Proxemics is the semiotics of space. This branch of semiotics was originally developed by Edward T. Hall in connection with cultural anthropology.
Psychoanalysis is a therapeutic method and theoretical approach that emphasizes the importance of the unconscious and exploits the mechanisms or processes by which the unconscious manifests. Many extremely influential contemporary semioticians (such as Jacques Lacan,...
Qualisign is a Portmanteau word (also called a blend - a word that results from blending two or more words, or parts of words) - from the words quality and sign. Qualisign is a type of sign or a sign function in which the quality serves as a sign vehicle. According to...
Ratio is the Latin word for reason or rationality. As the term "intelligent animal" suggests, the human race is defined as possessing rationality or reason. In addition, Ratio is used as one of the divine names (one of the names by which God is characterized). It...
The reader is the decoder or interpretant of the text, verbal or otherwise. In some important currents of modern literary critique and theory, attention shifts from the text and the author to the reader. As part of this turn, the image of the reader as a consumer of...
Readerly is a word commonly used to translate the French term lisible, used by Roland Barthes to refer to a particular type of text. Related: Writable or Writerly Text(s)
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Two-element distinction. Like the dichotomy, dualism makes a clear distinction between mutually exclusive or completely different elements. For example, René Descartes is known for his method of man, often described as dualistic, man is composed of two different...
A pair, sequence, or anything else that has two parts, sides, or dimensions.
Defined by two terms. The dynamic duo of Batman and Robin is a diabetic combination. There is also a technical, mathematical meaning to the term dyadic. In the context of semiotics, however, this technical meaning is almost never used.
Principle of Economy
The principle that maximum performance is obtained through minimum effort (high productivity) is called the principle of economy. Related: Abridgement
Écriture is a common French word for "writing", "handwriting". When this French word is left untranslated in an English text, the term is probably used in one or more senses established by a contemporary French author. In a sense, Écritures refers to writing as an...
Free Course in Semiology
A completely and truly free course on Semiology (Semiotics). Learn about the meaning of signs, how and why did the field emerged. What is the relationship between the street signs and the signs that we use every day - words.