The impossibility to determine the reference of one sentence or some other sign. Related: Intertextuality
Semiology Glossary
The referent is what the sign (for example, the message) refers to, the object or the spectrum of objects to which the sign is applied. Related: Bedeutung Reference
Relatum (pl. Relata)
Relatum is a Latin word for anything that relates to something else. For Ferdinand de Saussure, the sign is in its essence the relation between the signifier and the signified, and thus the signifier and the signifier are Relatum in the sign relation. As semiotics...
Replica is a term meaning the copying or replication of a sign; also a synonym for the sign in question. If marks, traces, sounds, or other perceptual forms (such as Braille) were not replicable or reproducible in replicas, they could not function as signs. ...
Representamen is a term proposed by Charles S. Peirce to denote a sign in the broadest sense of the word (CP 2.274). Peirce proposed this term because he believed that the English word "sign", like most, if not all, of its equivalents in English and other languages,...
The process in which something stands in place of something else or in which it is presented, depicted, or portrayed in some way, as well as the result of such a process, is called representation. While representation is accepted as the most essential function of the...
System of Representation
The system of representation is generally a system of signs that makes it possible to represent events, objects, or personalities. Any natural sign (such as English or French) is an example of such a system. In modern semiotics, the dichotomy embedded in the system of...
Retroduction is a term used by Charles S. Peirce to denote the process of inference in which a hypothesis arises.
Rezeptionsästhetic is a German word meaning "receptive aesthetics". Related: Reception theory
Rhematic Sign, Rheme
Rhematic Sign or Rheme is a term coined by Charles Peirce to denote a specific type of sign. A sign that has as its interpretant a quality ability (CP 2.250). Peirce distinguishes the trichotomy rheme, dicent, and argument by relating the sign to the nature of its...
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The encoder is the addresser or the utterer who transmits the message via some sort of code. Related: Decoder
Encyclopedia vs. Dictionary
See dictionary vs. encyclopedia.
Engendering of Subjectivity
Engendering of Subjectivity is the process by which the human organism, as a result of its existence, initiated in multiple systems of representation, becomes a subject, a focus (conscious/unconscious) of a specific identity. The term includes a play on words, as it...
The Enlightenment
The Enlightenment is a specific epoch in Western history, stretching from the late seventeenth century to the late eighteenth century (often identified as the Age of Reason); A network of ideals (mostly reason, freedom, progress, nature) raised during the Age of...
Énoncé vs. Enonciation
Énoncé vs. Enonciation - from French - what is said against (the process of) saying. The terms are used to indicate the difference between what is said (Énoncé) and the process or act of saying (Enonciation). According to the understanding of the linguist Emil...
Free Course in Semiology
A completely and truly free course on Semiology (Semiotics). Learn about the meaning of signs, how and why did the field emerged. What is the relationship between the street signs and the signs that we use every day - words.