Self-genesis or self-origin. Autogenesis is a process by which something grows on its own and is not produced by an external agent or force.
Semiology Glossary
On the one hand, terms mean freedom. In another, more specific sense - the uniqueness of the literary work, or, in a more general sense - the uniqueness of the semiotic system - its ability to relate to itself. Roman Jakobson and others use the term to denote the...
From Greek auto- and telos, meaning self- and goal or end. A process or practice that has no function or purpose other than itself. If you and I talk only for the purpose of having a conversation, refusing to subordinate this pleasure to any external purpose, our...
A term used by A.J. Greimas, for denoting a unit of narrative analysis by simplifying the original list of six actants (subject, object, sender, recipient, helper, and opponent). Recently, Greimas has classified a helper and an opponent as auxiliants (i.e., helpers).
The study of values. The adjective axiological could mean that which is permanent in the study of values, or, more generally, the values themselves.
A term from traditional logic and mathematics that means an unprovable but still solid proposition. The truth of one axiom is notа per se (achievable in itself) and not through the truth of another proposition. In understanding the meaning of the proposition "The...
A line around which a body or geometric figure actually or mentally revolves. In a more general sense - a line around or parallel to which something is moving or could be found. In elementary school, we learn that there is a mental axis around which the Earth...
Bedeutung is a German word usually translated as "reference" instead of "meaning". If we use the famous example of Gottlob Frege, dawn and vespers refer to the same meaning (Bedeutung), as both refer to the planet Venus but the two differ in their meaning. The term...
Behaviorism is a psychological theory that emphasizes the following three phenomena: Observable behavior in society and with a certain frequency of parameters, The role of the environment in determining behavior, and What is perceived (what is learned, excluding what...
Behaviorist Theory of Meaning
The behaviorist theory of meaning is an attempt to explain meaning in terms of the behavior of organisms and their interaction with the environment. This environment includes other organisms of the same genus, and according to the behaviorist theory, the interaction...
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A word or phrase, derived from the inversion or transfer of letters from another word or phrase. An interesting and playful example is getting "Agent's evil" by shuffling the letters in the word "Evangelists". Ferdinand de Saussure studied anagrams in Latin poetry on...
Narrative technique, usually called a return to the old moment, less often - retrospection. If in the course of the narrative events one is presented, told before the description at the moment, it is an example of analepsis; if in the course of narrative events...
In general - a comparison; The similarity between things that are otherwise different (for example, in many famous passages from his Course in General Linguistics, Ferdinand de Saussure draws attention to the analogies between language and the game of chess). In logic...
A process in which an object or phenomenon under study is broken down - either physically (as in the chemical analysis of a substance) or conceptually - into its components in order to be more fully understood. The analysis is one of the main procedures used in all...
Analytic/Synthetic Judgments
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