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The science of the mind

Psychology emerged from philosophy, but soon it established itself as a science. It investigated subjects like perception, memory, thinking, and feeling. Behavioral psychology was born when a number of researchers began to study the ways in which our minds work....

Learning by doing

One of pragmatism's core concepts is that knowledge isn't just true, but useful. Like science, knowledge is something that helps us get things done. We learn in order to solve problems, and the best way to gain knowledge is to participate in the world around us. John...


For pragmatists knowledge is providing adequate examples for the accurate representation of our world. However, by 1960s, pragmatism influenced by structuralism proposed a new field of ‘neopragmatism’ developed by Richard Rorty. According to his views knowledge is...

Modern logic

Logic was established as an academic discipline by Greek philosophers. Aristotle (384–322 BC) was the first to systematically describe logic, in particular the syllogistic method. He argued that knowledge could be divided into three parts: sense perception, memory,...

Mathematics and Logic

Frege’s Begriffsschritp (1879) overturned views of logic that held firm for more than two thousand years. He argued that logic is objective and universal, with no connection to our thoughts about what we call logic. Logic is the study of how statements relate to each...

Logic vs epistemology

Frege's insight that logic is not something created by the human mind, but follows certain laws of its own, proved fundamental to further developments throughout history. For example, it led to the development of formal logic, which is concerned with the relationships...

Principia Mathematics

Frege’s work went almost completely unnoticed outside a small circle and was ignored by many philosophers until it was rediscovered by Bertrand Russell. After studying both philosophy and mathematics at university, he came to the conclusion that mathematical reasoning...

Analytic philosophy

Russell came mainly from the tradition of empiricist thought and he believed that mathematics and logic were connected. He also felt that logic could be applied to all areas of life, including philosophy. So, along with his friend G. E. Moore, Russell began to analyze...

Truth and logic

Analytic Philosophy offers the promise of a more scientific approach to examining philosophical arguments. Transforming them into a series of simple logical propositions can be problematic. Before they can be tested, the often flowery and convoluted language used by...

Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus

Wittgenstein’s early thinking can be traced back to two philosophers and scientists: Immanuel Kant and Karl Popper. He later came under the influence of Bertrand Russell who shared his interest in logic and his skepticism about metaphysics. As his philosophical...


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Machiavelli and political realism

Florence is widely regarded as the birthplace of the cultural movement that characterized the Renaissance, but it was also one of the first Italian republics and, thanks to the ensuing tensions between Church and state, home to intrigue and political chicanery....

Ends and means

A clear message of end justifies the means through Machiavelli’s work, The Prince, which created a significant shift in political philosophy and moral philosophy and well. The notion meant that actions should be judged by the consequences rather than intentions....

Moral luck

Moral judgment is a complex matter in itself. Modern philosophers identified a problem with judging action through only consequence or intention, something conventional philosophers overlooked. As the world is, supported by a series of causes and effects one can never...

Bacon and the scientific method

The Golden Age of Islam left a legacy of scientific wealth: ideologies and methods. The Baconian method is a methodical observation of facts as a means of studying and interpreting natural phenomena, inspired by the works of Islamic scientists. This essentially...

A state of nature

It wasn’t only a rich culture that could be accredited to the period of Renaissance, medieval feudalism was also replaced by independent states – republics and monarchies – that rose as a result of constant attempts in forging a humanist political philosophy. While in...

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