Despite American political philosophy being preoccupied with the notion of democracy, African-Americans remained neglected even after the abolition of slavery. The civil rights struggle was headed by a black man, Dr. Du Bois – who believed in equality and justice for...
Civil disobedience
Individuals who consider the acts of their governments immoral should break those laws and disobey the orders of their states. Henry Thoreau was a transcendentalist who refused to pay taxes that supported slavery and the Mexican wars. He also opposed the use of force...
Gender and philosophy
Feminism was a movement that originated in the second half of the 20th century. It was inspired by Simone De Beauvoir's observation that feminine traits were socially constructed. It challenged many aspects of society, such as the notion that women were inferior to...
Applied philosophy
In the face of increasingly effective and comprehensive scientific theories, the field of metaphysics and epistemology has gradually lost importance in contemporary philosophy. The emphasis in late twentieth-century philosophy has shifted to moral philosophy and...
Politics, economics and business ethics
When political philosophers reflected on the kinds of societies they would like to see, they often asked themselves whether existing social systems provide the best possible outcomes for citizens. The economy emerged from philosophy as well, while economists have...
Scientific and medical ethics
Advances in medicine are often thought of as benefiting everyone, and there are plenty of examples where they do. However, some have caused problems - specifically concerning ethics. For instance, animal experimentation can cause huge amounts of suffering, whether...
Philosophy and education
Some philosophers throughout history, particularly in areas such as moral and political philosophy, recognize the importance of learning. Knowledge and its acquisition have also influenced the development and application of educational techniques, and those who...
Science vs religion
From its ancient Greek origins, Western philosophy sought rational explanations for matters that previously were explained by religion. Alongside Christianity, there was an uneasy coexistence between reason and faith, as philosophy challenged church doctrine. However,...
Philosophical Glossary
Aesthetics The branch of philosophy concerned with the nature of art and beauty, the arts, artistic values and criticism. Analytic philosophy An approach to philosophy based on logical analysis of statements and arguments to clarify their meaning and establish whether...
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Other people’s minds and consciousness
Descartes proved that the ‘I think therefore I am’ is true, using introspection as proof. His idea was very simple but very clever. He argued that since we always seem to experience ourselves thinking, then we must be conscious beings. He said that we can only be sure...
The old tale of the Ship of Theseus gives birth to many questions about the true nature of identity. Again, questions remain a much relevant part of philosophical debates. A ship that underwent several repairs throughout its lifetime to the point where no part of it...
The mind-body problem
Descartes asserted that mind and matter are essentially different in his mind-body duality theory and that physical substance is incapable of thought while mental substance is incapable of existing in space. Critics of this theory – continue to assert as well – that...
Spinoza: substance and attributes
Baruch Spinoza was a lens-maker by trade, but also a Dutch philosopher in the age of enlightenment who held astonishing knowledge of optics, physics, astronomy, and mathematics. His philosophy was inspired by Descartes’ rationalist epistemology, which reflected his...
Spinoza: God and nature
Spinoza’s Ethics is an ambitious and multifaceted work. It is also bold to the point of audacity, as one would expect of a systematic and unforgiving critique of the traditional philosophical and theological conceptions of God, the human being, and the universe,...
Free Course in Semiology
A completely and truly free course on Semiology (Semiotics). Learn about the meaning of signs, how and why did the field emerged. What is the relationship between the street signs and the signs that we use every day - words.