Semiosis is a term originally used by Charles S. Peirce to denote any sign generation or sign process; in a more general sense, the activity of the sign. Signs are generally considered to be tools used by humans and animals. In themselves, they are inert and...
Semiology Glossary
The Semiotic/the Symbolic
Semiotic is a term used by Julia Kristeva to denote rhythms and energies ("pulsations") that precede and transcend the symbolic order; Symbolic, in turn, is a term used again by her to denote the social order in which all human beings are involved as conditions for...
Semiotic web
The semiotic network is a metaphor used by Thomas A. Sebeok to describe the human experience. Experience is a web woven of signs and used to capture many objects in our Umwelt (environment) for the purposes of our survival and prosperity.
Semiotics is the study or doctrine of signs, sometimes presented as the science of signs; the systematic study of the nature, essence, and types of signs, especially undertaken in one's own conscious way. The study of signs has a long, rich and interesting history. As...
A sender is someone who sends or transmits a message. The word is synonymous with addressee, which is also the name of one of the six main features of any communication.
A sign is a term traditionally defined as aliquid stat pro aliquo (something that represents something else). The term itself, separated from any specific meaning, is commonly used by semioticians as an all-encompassing and all-encompassing term. Symbols, iconic...
Sign Function
Sign Function is a term sometimes used as a general equivalent of a sign. The reason for preferring the term sign function over sign is that the term sign function suggests something dynamic and (according to Umberto Eco) mobile. Everything that acts as a sign or is...
Sign Vehicle
Sign vehicle is a component of the sign, through which the sign function is completed or at least its creation is started. As in general it is considered that signs convey messages, that component of them that is most directly responsible for the message transmission...
A signal is a specific type of sign that is usually characterized as requiring an immediate response. In this sense, the stop sign at the end of a motorway exit may more correctly be called a stop signal (i.e., road signs are rather road signals). The function of the...
Signans is a Latin term most often translated as signifier; Signatum is also a Latin term but translates as signified. Related: Signum
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Communication function when the process is directed to the addresser or sender of the message.
The word fallacy means a mistaken belief, especially one based on unsound arguments. Generally stands for a wrong point of view or wrong expression.
Fallibilism is a doctrine according to which each and every one of people's allegations for reality is misleading, wrong, or susceptible to error. Although it may look very similar at first, Fallibilism shouldn't be mistaken for Scepticism (especially in its extremes...
Family Resemblance
The family resemblance is an idea of Ludwig Wittgenstein which shows that a word's abstraction could be explained without assuming that there is a separate entity characteristic of everything that could be properly denoted by that word. In one of his books -...
In his book Fashion System Roland Barthes, the author makes fashion a subject of a systematic study. Similar to how our buildings are made to be more than a shelter (architecture), our clothes are a lot more than pieces of fabric used to cover our bodies (see...
Free Course in Semiology
A completely and truly free course on Semiology (Semiotics). Learn about the meaning of signs, how and why did the field emerged. What is the relationship between the street signs and the signs that we use every day - words.