Semiology Glossary

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Syntactics is a term used by Charles Morris to denote this branch of semiotics that deals with the relationship between the sign vehicle and other sign vehicles.


A syntagm is any combination of units (such as words) that means something. The sentence is an example of a syntagm.


Any structure that is characterized by a high degree of regularity and unity is called a system. In this sense, the living organism is a biological system. Related: Structuralism


Taxonomy is a term meaning classification, as well as the study of the principles of classification. Charles S. Peirce was interested in classification in both senses of the term. He and Ferdinand de Saussure (co-discoverer of modern semiotics) also devoted much of...


Text is a term used today in a very broad sense, covering not only verbal but also other forms of communication. One can find claims that a person or a city is a text. A distinctive feature of this new use of text comes from the fact that the derivatives of the word...


Thirdness is one of the three universal categories of Charles Peirce. Defined formally and abstractly, it is something in between or mediating (CP 5.104). Everything is something in itself; this Peirce calls firstness. We can call it a "thing-in-itself." Everything...


Thinking is the process or act of thinking, the product or result of that process or act. In semiotics, it is seen as a sign process. According to its supporters, semiotics has a conceptual revolution, a radical revision of the way we think about such things as...


Trace is a term that occupies an important place in Jacques Derrida's grammatology. The trace also the inscription in the grammatology of Derrida has the same meaning as the sign in the semiology of Saussure or in the semiotics of Charles S. Peirce. If an object never...


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