An extremely broad term used to denote everything that is, in any form. It stands for the status of something to be, instead of the status to be nothingness. The nature and form of being were of paramount importance to Western thinkers. Questions about the...
Semiology Glossary
Generally speaking, belief is the conscious acceptance of the truth of a proposition. According to Charles S. Peirce, the predisposition to act in a certain way under certain circumstances; belief is that according to which a person is ready to act. Sometimes...
Besprochene Welt
Besprochene Welt - from German - Spoken World, is a term used by Harald Weinrich and is often translated as a Discursive or Commented World, which is different from the Narrated World (Erzählten Welt). The Discursive World is one in which the originator and the...
Binary Code
A binary code is a type of code (or network of relationships) based on two elementary signals, such as the dot and dash of the Morse code or the positive and negative electrical impulses. Thus, binarization is a process in which elementary signals from one code (for...
The tendency to look at topics and phenomena, even those that are intricately constructed, in terms of oppositional pairs or conglomerates of such. Related: Binary code Binary opposition
Binary Opposition
Binary opposition is the opposition of two things. Also, the state or process in which two things are opposed to each other. Often the binary opposition is understood as a pair of terms in which one is privileged. Opposition is (as the Latin op- prefix meaning...
The biosemiosis is a word derived from bio- (life) and semiosis (sign action). The word denotes the semiosis of living organisms. The term also encompasses anthroposemiosis, zoosemiosis, and (at least in theory) phytosemiosis. Related: Biosemiotics
Biosemiotics (which differs from biosmeiosis) is the study of the sign process in the biosphere or the world of living organisms. It includes anthroposemiotics, zoosemiotics, and, according to some semioticians, phytosemiotics. Related: Biosemiosis
A bit is a technical term from information theory, meaning the elementary unit for information measurement, how many elementary signals from a binary code are needed to translate an elementary unit from a complex code (for example, the English alphabet). The English...
Bliss(jouissance), texts of
The bliss of text is a type of text identified by Roland Barthes as opposed to the text of pleasure (plaisir). The text of pleasure is the one that "contains, causes euphoria, the text that comes from culture and does not interfere with it, is associated with the...
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Animal Symbolicum
A Latin expression meaning symbolic or symbol-using animal; an expression used by Ernst Cassirer to denote the human race. Animal Symbolicum also suggests something broader and deeper than what is usually understood by the classical definition of the human being as a...
From the Greek words anthropos and morphe, meaning man and form, respectively. Anthropomorphism refers to the tendency to understand or interpret something that is not human or personal in a human or personal sense. To perceive God the Father as a man with white hair...
All sign processes in which human beings but also other animals participate; more specifically - the human use and formation of signs. Art, science, religion, and language, at least in their complex manifestations, are examples of anthroposemiosis in a narrower sense....
A branch of semiotics devoted to the study of man, exclusively and only to the characteristic human uses and forms of signs; part of zoosemiotics dealing with anthroposemiosis.
The opposite or the rejection of humanism. In a very broad sense, humanism is the acceptance of the values and dignity of human beings; in a more limited sense, it refers to a cultural and intellectual movement that began in the Renaissance (if not earlier) and...
Free Course in Semiology
A completely and truly free course on Semiology (Semiotics). Learn about the meaning of signs, how and why did the field emerged. What is the relationship between the street signs and the signs that we use every day - words.